Memorable Dates of Russia: Book and illustrative exhibition devoted to Nikolay Nekrasov's 200th anniversary presented in the Russian State Library in Moscow
2021 marks the 200th anniversary of Nikolay Nekrasov, an outstanding Russian poet and democrat, publisher and public figure (1821-1878). The Russian State Library arranged a book and illustrative exhibition revealing his work, activities in the magazines Sovremennik and Otechestvennye Zapiski, friends and associates. It also introduces some new information about the poet.
The exhibition showcases lifetime editions of Nikolay Nekrasov's works, which have become bibliographic rarities. There are his early prose, theatrical drama and poetry, in which he praises the ordinary people and satirically criticizes the existing social system. The exposition also presents Nekrasov's publishing and social activities, literary relations, memories of him by his associates and contemporaries, scientific research about the poet's life and work, including publications marking his 200th anniversary, collected works, publications for children and youth.
The exposition features rich illustrative material: numerous portraits of the poet, his associates and friends, images of residences (St. Petersburg, Karabikha, a hunting lodge in the Chudovskaya Luka estate) and illustrations for the poet's works by Alexander Lebedev, Boris Kustodiev, Valentin Serov, Dementy Shmarinov and others.