Information Technology and Society: Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Electronic Information: Issues, Services, Technologies, Legal Aspects" to hold online
On December 9-10, 2021, the Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library holds the online Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Electronic Information: Issues, Services, Technologies, Legal Aspects".
The conference invites heads and specialists of governing bodies and institutions of culture, science, education, information technology, communications, media and mass communications, developers and users of the software and technological solutions, aggregators of electronic resources, hardware manufacturers. The main goal of the conference is to exchange views, experiences and ideas of approaches to systematization, selection, storage and access to digital information created and processed in various spheres of human activity.
The conference program features the discussion of the following topics:
· Challenges related to the creation and preservation of electronic information;
· Ensuring data protection. Approaches to refining and the creation of safe content;
· Legal aspects of providing access to electronic information and digitizing printed documents;
· Approaches to the making-up of electronic catalogues and databases to ensure quick, available and high-quality search in information arrays;
· Technical, software and technological features and approaches to ensuring long-term storage, selection, access and retrieval of electronic data;
· Services for processing and providing access to electronic information intended for users and specialists.
The conference program is available on the website of the Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. The meetings will be held remotely (via videoconference).