History of Russia: VDNKh features the exhibition about the first Soviet atomic project

11 January 2022

The exposition about the history of the creation of the first Soviet atomic reactor “F-1: phenomenally first. The atomic project that changed the world" was opened in VDNkH in Moscow.

The exhibition, which is held in partnership with the Polytechnic Museum and the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, will run until March 15, 2022.

Five thematic sections of the exposition tell about Soviet atomic project, the people who developed and built the reactor, the role of the F-1 subsequently which played in establishing world balance. The exhibits include items from the collections of the Polytechnic Museum, as well as original reports and declassified documents, instruments and scientific equipment of the 1940s, archival photographs and publications. Now they are kept in the collection of the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute and are exhibited for the first time.

The exhibition was launched as part of the Year of Science and Technology events.