IT and history: The multimedia project "300 years on guard of the law: persons, events, documents" dedicated to the anniversary of the Russian prosecutor's office launched in Moscow
The multimedia project "300 years on guard of the law: persons, events, documents", dedicated to the anniversary of the founding of the Russian prosecutor's office, was launched at the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (Moscow). The project features documents from the collection of the museum, as well as the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the State Historical Museum, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History, the Russian State Historical Archive.
The exhibition project spotlights the role of the prosecutor's office in the history of the state. Special attention is paid to the activities of the Russian prosecutor's office at the present stage. The exposition consists of five thematic sections, which showcase more than 320 exhibits. It is a modern project that combines documents and artifacts with multimedia solutions.