Memory of Russia: A cycle of courage lessons about the Battle of Stalingrad held at the Victory Museum marking the 79th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops on the Volga

2 February 2022
Source: Pobeda.RF

The Victory Museum hosts a cycle of courage lessons about the Battle of Stalingrad.
Open lessons are held on the eve of a significant date - February 2 is celebrated as the Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad.
Visitors will learn about the exploits of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and the fate of the soldiers who defended the city.
Conversations are held by veteran of the Great Patriotic War Maria Rokhlina.
Ivan Sergeevich Bagramyan’s grandson, a member of the board of the Victory Generals Memorial Fund, will tell about the military path of Marshal of Victory Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan.

Vasily Sergeevich Shibayev will share the memories of his grandfather, Lieutenant General Orlov Nikolai Grigorievich.
The cycle of courage lessons will run until February 3, 2022.