Internet and History: Federal Archival Agency features a new online project "Khabarovsk trial of Japanese war criminals in 1949"

24 March 2022

Federal Archival Agency features a new online project "Khabarovsk trial of Japanese war criminals in 1949", which is one of the sections of the federal archival project "Crimes of the Nazis and their accomplices against the civilian population of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

In 1949 the trial of former servicemen of the Japanese Kwantung Army played an important role in exposing their criminal activities in the development and use of bacteriological weapons. Despite the US administration's attempts to downplay and conceal the monstrous crimes of Japan's military leadership, the Soviet Union made known to the world community the facts of the Japanese preparations for unleashing and waging bacteriological warfare. Once again the Soviet Union tried to warn the world about a new global threat and once again was not heard.