Internet and Culture: Bangalore’s Museum of Art and Photography launched an online encyclopedia of South Asian art
Bangalore’s Museum of Art and Photography (MAP) has launched a free online encyclopedia MAP Academy Encyclopedia of Indian Art, showcasing 10 000 years of South Asian art.
Encyclopedia features more than 2000 reviews on different pieces of art, like paintings, sculptures, textile, and crafts.
Online encyclopedia is set to make the region’s masterpieces more available than ever before.
South Asia is known to have a rich artistic tradition, but there used to be no common platform on the region’s history of art. Now, the researchers have launched an online encyclopedia with an open source code, showcasing more than 10 000 years of art in South Asia. This is the first collection of its kind of Indian and South Asian art.
Museum of Art and Photography was founded by an industrialist and philanthropist Abhishek Poddar, who has donated more than 7000 pieces from his personal collection to the museum. Currently, the project mostly focuses on Indian art, but more information on South Asian art in general is set to be provided in the future.