Internet and Education: The Russian Community Znanie hosts an online educational marathon «New Horizons»

18 May 2022

The Russian Community Znanie is hosting the Federal Educational Marathon «New Horizons» on May 17-19, 2022 in form of an online broadcast. The event is being held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

More than 160 lecturers and mentors will be presented on the marathon’s platforms: famous state and public figures, leaders in the fields of business, science, culture and sport. Five parallel broadcasts will run from the studios in Moscow and Moscow Region. Each of the broadcasts is dedicated to one of the five theme blocks: The Role of Russia in the World (Moscow, VDNKh), We’re together (Moscow, Studio of the Russian Community Znanie), New Horizons: Economy (Saint Petersburg, Expoforum), New Horizons: Science (Sochi, Studio of the Russian Community Znanie), New Horizons: Information Technology (Moscow Region, platform of the Russian Internet Forum).

At the heart of the discussions, lectures and master classes are new opportunities being opened in Russia in the various fields. More than 220 hours of educational content will be available to the viewers.

The program of the marathon also includes more than 50 video tours to unique places in Russia, hosted by the governors, business leaders, and scientific and cultural workers. Viewers will be able to “visit” the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia in Korolev, the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow, the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, the special economic zone “Technopolis Moscow”, the Novgorod Kremlin, the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Mordovski Nature Reserve, and the reindeer herder’s camp in Naryan-Mar.

A major event within the Role of Russia in the World track will be the Finale of the All-Russian Educational Games for senior pupils. The winners of the competition’s regional stage have arrived in Moscow to compete. There are 88 teams consisting of 6 finalists from the country’s regions, the Big Change community, the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren, and the Young Army Cadets National Movement. Within the three days the pupils will be participating in an all-around competition in the intellectual sports. They will also be taking part in the marathon’s lectures, as well as meeting the speakers.

Five parallel broadcasts are available on the official website of the project.