History of Russia: The exhibition project “Country of Great Deeds. #Russiacantbecancelled” presented in Moscow

20 June 2022

The large-scale exhibition project Country of Great Deeds. #Russiacantbecancelled has been launched on Russia Day on June 12, on the platform of the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (Moscow). Exposition features five thematic halls, and tells about the achievements of Russia and its contribution to the development of world civilization in the areas of science, culture, medicine, art, space, geographical discoveries, and others.

The extraordinary design of the exhibition area reevalutes the historical evidence of achievements, discoveries and findings made by great Russian scientists, writers, painters, composers, travelers. Many exhibits are displayed via modern technology: digital images of sculptures, augmented reality, animation, 3D mapping, authentic historical reconstructions, video infographics.

The exhibition explores many themes and features hundreds of names and items of special value. It will be of interest not only for the experts in material culture, but also for those in the beginning stages of learning about Russian history. Here are showcased the symbols of the time: for example, Sklifosovsky’s surgical tools, Papanin’s uniform, Mravinsky’s conductor baton, Sviridov’s glasses, Chkalov’s headset, Shalyapin’s guitar, Lepeshinskaya’s pointe shoes, the real vials of the first vaccines against measles and poliomyelitis, Lodygin’s lamp.

One of the main exhibits is the multimedia cube with “live” canvases, which projects iconic works of domestic art. Visitors will have an opportunity to appreciate the journey of Russian art from iconography and early portraits (parsuna) until the art of the Wanderers (peredvizhniki) and avant-garde.

The hall dedicated to medicine features a unique installation that allows visitors to learn about scientists that contributed to the development of world science, and also test their knowledge by answering questions of the special quiz.

The theme of explorers of Earth is presented by the gallery of unique accomplishments of great discoverers – from Afanasy Nikitin to Yuri Gagarin.