Society and Science: The exhibition, marking the 180 anniversary of the Depot of Exemplary Measures, the first state metrological institution, presented in St. Petersburg
The tablet exhibition 180 Years of Measurement Unity and Accuracy has been opened on the Cathedral Square of the Peter and Paul Fortress (St. Petersburg). It was prepared together with the Mendeleev All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology (VNIIM) – state scientific centre of the Russian Federation, the leading organization in fundamental metrology.
The exposition features archival documents and modern photographs that tell about the establishment of a scientifically based system of measures in Russia, starting with the opening of the Depot of Exemplary Measures and Weights, responsible for the storage, usage, production, branding and verification of measures, in a special building “taller than the biggest flood and totally safe from the fire” on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress “near the Nikolskaya Curtain and not far from the Mint”.
In 1880, the institution was moved to Zabalkansky Avenue (now – Moskovsky Avenue, 19) to the building specially constructed for the storage of the etalons and the metrological work. Today, it is the Mendeleev All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology.
Visitors to the exhibition will have an opportunity to learn about the establishment of the system of measurement unity and accuracy that was invented by the remarkable scientists – physicist and chemist Adolf Theodor Kupffer, one of the creators of the electromagnetic telegraph Vladimir Semyonovich Glukhov, the founder and the main implementer of the Russian metrological reform Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. The great scientist established the scientific metrological centre Main Chamber of Measures and Weights based on the Depot, developed the national system of etalons, corresponding with the world level of development of science and technology, did a massive work related to Russia’s practical transition to the metric measurement system.
The transition to the new measurement system in Russia was gradual and took over 50 years. Promotional materials of that time from the collection of the Metrological Museum of Rosstandart based on the VNIIM are presented on the tablet dedicated to the event.
The development of the soviet metrology is illustrated through the unique etalon complexes, created by the Leningrad metrologists in 1950-60s and having no world analogues in terms of measurement characteristics and design.
The original state etalons are considered to be a national treasure. Their condition determines the level of the scientific, technical and cultural development of the country. Macro photography of the modern technical objects fascinates with the harmony of forms and the beauty of engineering thought, implemented in the modern materials. Preservation and constant development of the original etalon basis is one of the main conditions of the scientific and technological progress. Scientists-keepers of the etalons dedicate their professional life to this task. Those are the specialists maximally competent in certain types of measurement, who define the development of “their own” etalons. Through photographs, the exposition tells visitors about the little-know life of scientific laboratories and the work of scientists, who follow Mendeleev’s traditions of measurement unity and accuracy for 180 years.
The exhibition will run until July 17, 2022.