Libraries and Society: The X Forum of Young Librarians of Russia “Show Yourself to the World” to take place in Moscow
Registration of participants of the X Forum of Young Librarians of Russia “Show Yourself to the World” that will take place on October 11-13, 2022 continues. The event is organized by the Russian State Library for Young Adults in collaboration with the Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and RBA.
The forum is a central event for young library specialists. It allows to demonstrate their intellectual and creative-innovative potential to the whole country, to find new ideas, to make useful acquaintances, to get energized and motivated for the development of profession.
Library workers of all systems and departments, representatives of professional public unions, as well as students of library departments of educational institutions are invited to take part in the event. There are two forms of participation available: as presenter on the forum and as discussions participant.
All federal libraries will be involved in the anniversary forum. Events of various formats and topics will take place on their platforms with the participation of a wide range of partner organizations and representatives of the expert community.
In addition to the business section of the Forum (lectures, panel discussions, master-classes, business-games, foresight-sessions and project presentations), cultural and educational program and professional tours around libraries of Moscow will be organized for the participants.
There is also a unique opportunity to participate in the All-Russian Contest of the Best Youth Library Project. One project can be presented per region. The application must be submitted by an individual (author or authors of the project) or a legal entity (library). Public presentation of the projects, pre-selected by the expert committee, will take place during one of the days of the forum. All projects applied for the contest will be included in the library Bank of Creative Ideas and Innovative Practices “Show Yourself to the World”.
Registration of the forum’s participants will continue until September 10.