Peoples of Russia: The exhibition “The Peoples of the Great Steppe: Buryats, Kalmyks” presented in the Russian Museum of Ethnography in St. Petersburg

28 July 2022

The exhibition The Peoples of the Great Steppe: Buryats, Kalmyks in the Russian Museum of Ethnography (St. Petersburg) is dedicated to the two related Mongolian-speaking peoples of Russia, united by common centuries-old history, culture, traditions and customs. Being the descendants of the civilization of the nomadic tribes of the great Eurasian steppes, they have preserved their cattle breeding and lifestyle associated with it. Buryats and Kalmyks are also brought together by Buddhism that reached them from Tibet and Mongolia and greatly influenced their culture. In addition, each of the peoples has its own vivid uniqueness and ethnic diversity due to geographical location, climatic conditions, historical development, intercultural contacts with neighboring peoples.

For the first time ever, the exhibition reflects the unity and ethno-cultural specifics of the traditions of Buryats and Kalmyks. The exhibition features the most vivid cultural phenomena of these ethnic groups: cattle breeding, horse breeding and equipment of the Kalmyk warrior, interior of the Buryat yurt, women’s, men’s and children’s costumes, craft traditions: embroidery of Kalmyk craftswomen, blacksmithing and jewelry art of the Buryats.

A significant place in the exhibition is devoted to the spiritual culture.

A special complex introduces visitors to the shamanic worldview and ritual practices, preserved by the Buryats alongside Buddhism. Here are presented: shaman’s costume and attributes, as well as the unique collection of ongons (images of gods and spirits) – tribal, cattle, hunting, medical, female, etc.

A section on Buddhism reveals the role of datsans in the life of Buryats and Kalmyks, demonstrates scenes, dedicated to the Buddhist festivities and rituals, work of lamas-painters, sculptors, musicians, healers, printers. The section displays ritual costumes of lamas, Buddhist musical instruments and attributes for festive services, objects of book printing, icons, Tibetan medicine.

One of the important goals of the exhibition The Peoples of Great Steppe: Buryats, Kalmyks is a demonstration of ethnographic items that have not been exhibited or published before (ongons of the Buryats, equipment of the Kalmyk warrior, horse saddle and harness of the Kalmyks, camel felt blanket, and others).

The complexes of objects are complemented by historical photographs, revealing various spheres of the traditional cultures of Buryats and Kalmyks of the late XIX – early XX century.

The exhibition will run until December 31, 2022.