Internet and Libraries: The portal of scientific journals “Periodicals on Library Science, Bibliography Science, and Bibliology” launched

7 July 2022

Library journals were combined on the portal of scientific journals Periodicals on Library Science, Bibliography Science, and Bibliology to enhance the opportunities in cooperation, common search system, fast access to articles, and therefore to increase the number of mutual citations.

The decision to create the portal of scientific journals on library science was reached within the All-Russian Library Congress: XXVI Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association in May, and was announced during the special joint event-session of the Section on Scientific Research of RBA and the Section on Book Publishing and Book Distribution of RBA, marking the 70th anniversary of the Bibliotekovedeniye (Library Science) journal.

Currently, the portal features six scientific journals on library science that use the platform elpub during the editing and publishing process and digitally distribute their articles. Those are three journals included in the List of VAK (Higher Attestation Commission): Library Science, Bibliosphere, Scientific and Technical Libraries, as well as the scientific practical journal Works of SPSTL SB RAS, Belarusian journal Library-Information Discourse, and Science and Scientific Information published by NEICON. The portal provides annotations of the publications and an easy access to the web-pages of each publication. The main bonus of the unification is the possibility to conduct a general search through all of the articles published in those journals.

The portal features not only publications, included in the List of VAK, but also other periodicals that publish articles associated with the specialty Library Science, Bibliography Science, and Bibliology (numbered 5.10.4. in the new nomenclature of scientific specialties). Thanks to the specialists from Belarus, the portal has gained international significance.

The launch of the portal is an important milestone in the development of multilevel and multilayered communication network of professional scientific journals on library science, bibliography science, and bibliology.

Based on the materials of the Russian State Library