Society and Book Culture: Ex-libris of Italian masters of the XX century presented at the exhibition in the Tver Regional Art Gallery

30 July 2022

Tver Regional Art Gallery presents the exhibition featuring ex-libris by Italian masters of the XX century.

Ex-libris (Latin for from the books), also known as a bookplate, is a small printed label, pasted into a book, featuring a name of its owner and an image telling about their interests, hobbies or profession. In this form, the initial objective of ex-libris – to show respect of an owner to their valuable library and to the book as a unique rarity – has been preserved. Nevertheless, as an object of human art, it couldn’t have stayed in the utilitarian frames, but instead has become an embodiment of views, thoughts, feelings of an artist and their relation to customers.

The art of ex-libris has a long history. Its origin is associated with the introduction of book printing in the middle XV century in Germany, when book distribution became significant and the need of ex-libris became widespread. It started to get popular in southern German cities, from where it gradually spread through the whole Germany, and since the XVI century – through Europe.

Throughout the six centuries of its existence, bookplates have changed their forms and content, due to the development of art, its styles and social progress. Bookplates developed, reached their peaks, but due to various reasons were forgotten in some countries. In the XX century, its resurgence and true recognition as a high graphic art happened. Through ex-libris, artists tried to tell about historical events, public ideas, feelings and thoughts of their contemporaries. Ex-libris became an object of passion for collectors. By this time, about half a million bookplates have been created – a true kaleidoscope of human destinies.

Italy, a cradle of arts, a country rich with the graphical art traditions, experienced its rise again in the XX century. The main role in it was played by Associazione incisori Veneti, founded in 1950s. It was a big group of artists, engaged in various types of circulation graphics. One of the main accomplishments of the Association was the resurgence of the woodcut art in Italy. The exhibition features works by remarkable masters-woodcutters of the Association, such as Tranquillo Marangoni, Remo Wolf, Guido Polo and Lea Botteri. Here are displayed works by the older generation of graphic artists, on the experience of which painters of the Association relied, - Bruno da Osimo and Bruno Bramanti. One of the central spots in the exhibition, as well as in the creative life of Italy of the XX century, is taken by ex-libris by Italo Zetti. 35 works of his are showcased. A vivid complement to the exposition are works by two masters, whose style stands out among others, - Maria Elisa Leboroni and Lorenzo Alessandri. These are the artists with their own individual style and worldview, who stepped over from the XX to the XXI century.

Tver Regional Art Gallery contains a vast collection of ex-libris, and the exhibited pieces are just a small part of it. The exposition of ex-libris of Italian masters of the XX century gives visitors an opportunity to not only see rarely exhibited works of graphic art, but to also learn about the works of western European graphic artists.

The exhibition will run until September 25, 2022.