Society and Book Culture: VIII International Festival “Book Siberia – 2022” to take place in Novosibirsk

4 August 2022

On September 16-18, 2022 in Novosibirsk, the VIII International Festival Book Siberia – 2022 will take place in the State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of RAS, marking the 85th anniversary of Novosibirsk Region. It is organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Novosibirsk Region within the national project Culture.

Book Siberia is a brand event of Novosibirsk Region that allows its residents to meet famous authors, poets and publishers in person. Since 2017, the festival continues the traditions of the Siberian Book – an exhibition of book products of Novosibirsk publishers and libraries which has been held in Novosibirsk since 2008.

Specialists from Russian regions, representatives of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and other neighboring countries will participate in the festival.

The main events of the International Festival Book Siberia – 2022 will be:

– Book exhibition-fair that will feature printed and digital products by the leading publishing houses of Russia and other countries (about 80 publishing houses of various profiles);

– V Regional Book Forum – a professional event that unites writers, publishers, illustrators, librarians;

– VI Interregional Contest Book of the Year: Siberia – Eurasia, aiming to support publishers, innovative ideas and practices, future promotion, book reading propaganda among residents and scientific, educational, and cultural circles;

– VI Regional Festival of Children’s Books Reading Childhood the goal of which is to support and develop children’s reading, interest in getting knowledge about native land, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation, its creative development and involvement of youth in self-education.