Society and Culture: The All-Russian Scientific Conference “Tolstoy Readings” to take place in Moscow

5 August 2022

On November 17-18, 2022 the Tolstoy State Museum (Moscow) will host the All-Russian Scientific Conference Tolstoy Readings, dedicated to the 145th anniversary since the completion of Tolstoy’s work on the Anna Karenina novel, its publication and the issues of understanding Russian classics within the context of modern literature.

The conference is timed to coincide with the 112th anniversary since the writer’s memorial day. Scientists, specialists of various profile scientific institutions and organizations, museums, educational institutions, representatives of public organizations will take part in the conference.

In 1875-1877 in the Russky Vestnik (Russian Bulletin) journal, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina was published and became the greatest Russian novel, earning the love of readers and entering the golden fund of Russian and world literature. In the words of F. M. Dostoevsky, “the image of time”, created by Tolstoy, emerges “from the creative essence of the novel itself”. Symbolism of the work still becomes a subject for endless arguments and discussions among scientists. Anna Karenina is a creative basis for numerous theatrical and film interpretations.