Internet and Society: Popular summer routes around the capital presented on the Discover Moscow portal

20 August 2022

Users of the Discover Moscow portal have chosen five most popular summer routes around the capital. The leader in the number of views is Around the Patriarch’s Ponds. The top five also include walks to Kuznetsky Most, places associated with Peter the Great, the most beautiful houses of the picturesque hill between the Yauz Gate and Taganka, as well as the “Moscow modern”.

«The Discover Moscow portal currently features over 200 routes. Each one will help to learn more about the history of the city, tell about unique facts associated with the objects of cultural heritage and fates of famous residents of the capital of different eras. Some routes are complemented by an audio guide which is easy to access through the website or in the mobile app of the project», Deputy Mayor of Moscow Natalya Sergunina said.

Discover Moscow is a joint project of the departments of IT, culture, cultural heritage, education and science. The portal provides an opportunity to transform ordinary walks into fascinating excursions. The free online guide allows to create an educational route and to learn interesting facts about the nearby sights.