Internet and Memorable Dates of Russia: Website, dedicated to the Year of the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary since the Birth of the Great Traveler Vladimir Arsenyev, launched
By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 620 2022 of 01.11.2021, year 2022 has been declared the Year of the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary since the Birth of the Great Traveler, Writer and Explorer Vladimir Klavdiyevich Arsenyev.
Visitors can learn more about the work of Vladimir Arsenyev on the website годарсеньева.рф, launched in time for the 150th anniversary since the birth of the great explorer. It features materials about his life, creative and scientific work that can be freely used by any institution during lessons, lectures, master-classes and exhibitions.
On September 10, 2022 Russia celebrates the 150th anniversary of Vladimir Klavdiyevich Arsenyev. Traveler, scientist, who greatly contributed to the study of geography, ethnography and natural resources of the Far East, talented writer and teacher – all of these words can be applied to this one person.
In 30 years of expeditions, Vladimir Klavdiyevich Arsenyev has filled in the white spots on the map of new lands of the country, told the world about the peoples inhabiting these territories. Ethnographers, biologists, hydrographs, archeologists and ordinary travelers, who discover the beautiful region near the eastern shores of Russia for themselves, rely on his collected information to this day.
The project has been prepared in support of the representatives of educational organizations, museum community, executive authorities and everyone who would like to organize events in their region, marking the Year of Arsenyev. The website provides materials about the life, creative and scientific work of Vladimir Klavdiyevich Arsenyev that can be easily downloaded from the website.