Marking 350th anniversary of Peter the Great: Exhibition “Tsar Peter Alekseevich. On the eve of the empire” opened in Vladivostok

8 September 2022

The Arseniev State United Museum-Reserve of the History of Far East (Vladivostok), as part of a partnership with the Moscow Kremlin Museums, on September 6, 2022, hosted an exhibition dedicated to the Moscow period of life and reign of Peter the Great. The exhibition project is dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the birth of the first Russian emperor.

The exhibition features exhibits that spotlight fateful events of Russian history at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. It was then that the foundations of the future greatness of Russia were laid, which, thanks to the sovereign reformer, entered the circle of world powers on an equal footing.

The exhibition runs through January 15, 2023.