Marking the 875th anniversary of Moscow: The art exhibition “My Dear Capital” presented in the Victory Museum

11 September 2022

The art exhibition My Dear Capital, timed to coincide with the celebrations of the City Day and the 875th anniversary of Moscow, has opened in the Victory Museum. Guests will have an opportunity to see 50 works, dedicated to Moscow. The exposition features canvases from the collections of the Victory Museum and paintings provided by modern artists.

«Visitors will see Moscow of different periods of the past century – military and anxious, as well as modern, bright and dynamic. There are presented diverse works, contrasting in many ways. They not only reflect the unique artistic message of the time, but also show the changes in the history of the city, in the fates of its residents», – curator of the exhibition Nina Zabarovskaya said.

The exposition shows the capital from different angles. Touching views of old Moscow, which affect both guests of the city and its original residents, are reflected in the works by Alexander Korshunov and Igor Mashkov. Canvases by Yana Poklad and Vera Korshunova are filled with impulses and movements of time, dynamics of the capital’s atmosphere. Paintings by Olga Melnikova tell about modern Moscow residents and the capital’s daily life. Visitors will see Moscow as a symbol of beauty and unity in the works of modern master Konstantin Seleznyov.

Part of the exhibition is dedicated to the war period in the history of Moscow. Images of the defenders of Moscow are implemented in such works as Moscow Anti-Aircraft Gunner by Valentina Globina and Moscow Militiaman by Alexander Sysoyev. Still, despite the general disturbing historical context, artists were able to tell about that time in city sketches that depict calm streets and yards – in the works by Alexander Kirillo and Nikolai Volodin, the majestic Kremlin and the Novodevichy Convent – in the paintings by Ivan Ivanovsky and Evgeny Kazantsev.

The exhibition will run until October 4.