Memory of Russia: The tablet exhibition “Cossacks in the Sovereign’s Service” opens in the Historical Park “Russia – My History”
The tablet exhibition Cossacks in the Sovereign’s Service from the collections of the State Historical Museum has opened in the Historical Park “Russia – My History” in Moscow.
The visual tablet display is dedicated to the history of the creation of the Russian Cossacks on the southern borders of Russia, Siberia, Ural, and the formation of the Black Sea Cossack Troops in the XV-XVI centuries.
The exhibition section Cossacks in the era of 1812 reflects the glorious victories of the Cossacks over the French Army in the Patriotic War of 1812.
In the XIX – early XX centuries, the Cossacks became a universal type of armed troops, and the Cossack formations for the defence of the Russian State’s borders were established. On the battlefields of World War I and II, the Cossacks have repeatedly shown personal bravery and mass heroism.
The exposition demonstrates the role of the Cossacks throughout the whole history of the Russian State, in the hardest periods of war conflicts and the provision of the national security of Russia.
The exhibition will be presented on the third-floor gallery until November 6, 2022.