IT and History: The media resource “Through the Roads of War: the Liberation of Stavropolye” presented in the Stavropol Regional Library

18 October 2022

The media resource Through the Roads of War: the Liberation of Stavropolye, created jointly by municipal libraries, the public and citizens, is presented in the Lermontov Stavropol Regional Universal Research Library within the framework of the local patriotic marathon Parade of the Immortal Glory of Stavropolye. It features a large archive of memories of participants of the wartime events and witnesses of the liberation of Stavropolye.

The patriotic marathon took place from April to October of this year on the initiative of the Stavropol Regional Research Library and was dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Caucasus.

For six months, the search and research activity of Stavropolye residents, dedicated to the fates of soldiers, history of the small motherland, was the connecting thread that brought people together. The route of the marathon covered all municipal and urban districts of the region. About 25 thousand of Stavropolye residents passed through the roads of people’s memory. Over a thousand cultural and educational events took place in libraries, in villages and cities. Throughout the marathon, around 600 young Stavropolye residents took part in the research and local history expedition Heroes who defended the Caucasus and conducted work on searching materials about participants and witnesses of the liberation of the Caucasus and Stavropol Territory.

As a result of this work, the people’s media resource Through the Roads of War: the Liberation of Stavropolye was created.