International events: Exhibition “Russia – China. Bridges of Friendship” presented in St. Petersburg

29 October 2022

The painting exhibition Russia – China. Bridges of Friendship has opened in the Museum of Bridges, branch of the Central Museum of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg). Chinese painter and art historian Song Zhui presents his works to the public.

In the Museum of Bridges, the exhibition organically fits in the general atmosphere associated with the history of the construction of crossings. Petersburg bridges have always inspired poets and artists. It is interesting to view our city through the eyes of the modern Chinese painter.

The exhibition also features works created in the traditions of Chinese art styles.

Song Zhui is a Chinese artist, painter, art historian, Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Society in St. Petersburg, Director of the Association for Relations with Foreign Art of China of Shandong province.

Song Zhui takes part in the cultural and art exchange between the two countries, contributes to the promotion of Chinese art in Russia and Russian art in China. He prepared and published a textbook Chinese Painting and Calligraphy written in Russian. He was one of the founders and chief editor of the Russian-Chinese magazine Modern Artist which was published in two languages.

The exhibition will run until November 10, 2022.