Society and Culture: Russian Society “Znanie” presents the Honorary Jury of the Znanie Educational Award – 2022

9 November 2022

On November 9, 2022 in Moscow, the Honorary Jury of the Znanie Educational Award – 2022 held a face-to-face meeting in order to determine the best educators and educational projects of the year. Outstanding statesmen, representatives of science, arts, business and sports have been invited to join the Honorary Jury of the Award. In the shortlist of the Award, there are currently 76 participants aspiring to the title of the best educators and projects: they overcame a multistage selection of over 6,300 applications in 11 categories. Overall, there are 13 categories in the Award: winners in the main category “For the overall contribution to education” will be chosen by the Honorary Jury from all of the participants of the face-to-face stage; winners in the category “For the overall contribution to education according to listeners” will be determined by residents of Russia via online voting. 22 laureates will be announced on December 13.

The Honorary Jury of the Znanie Educational Award consists of statesmen, leaders of business and public organizations, as well as famous workers of science, culture and art. This year’s Honorary Jury includes Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Ural Federal District Vladimir Yakushev, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko, Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Ksenia Razuvaeva, Director General of the Gazprom-Media Holding Alexander Zharov, Director General of Izvestia Vladimir Tyulin, writer Sergei Lukyanenko, actors Vladimir Mashkov and Konstantin Khabensky, Director General of the Polytechnic Museum Elena Pronicheva, as well as directors of higher education institutions and other authoritative figures.

On November 9, during the face-to-face pitching of educators, the Honorary Jury will determine winners of the Award in each category. In addition, winners of the main category “For the overall contribution to education” will be chosen among all participants of the stage. Then, within the framework of the people’s online voting taking place on the Award’s website from November 10 to December 5, Russians will have an opportunity to select the best educator and educational project of the year in a special category “For the overall contribution to education according to listeners”. The shortlist of the Award features educators and projects from 19 subjects of the Russian Federation. 22 winners of the Award will be educators, educational projects and companies which were highly evaluated by experts and the Honorary Jury, as well as by the public. The solemn ceremony of the Znanie Award will be held on December 13 at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Overall, 6374 nominees from 86 regions of Russia, including Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republic, competed for the title of the “educator of the year” and “the best educational project” this year. Applications covered various spheres: from ecology to education, from sports to music and culture in general, from religion to politics. Nominees, who applied to take part in this year’s Award, are people of various professions and ages, including teachers, directors of educational institutions, librarians, mentors, doctors, neuropsychologists, journalists, art critics, PR-specialists, writers, directors, scientists, choreographers, photographers, financiers, tour guides and many others.