International Initiatives: Moscow and Shenzhen to jointly train future international economists

17 November 2022
Source: Interfax

MGIMO and the Sino-Russian MSU-BIT University in Shenzhen have signed an agreement on scientific and educational cooperation. Rector of the MGIMO, Academician of the RAS Anatoly Torkunov and the rector of the joint university, Professor Li Hezhang sealed the document with their signatures.

This is not the first joint document between the Sino-Russian University and Russian higher education institutions, aimed at the development of scientific, educational and cultural relations of the two countries. The significance of such cooperation is evident in the fact that the joint university was founded six years ago on the initiative of the top leaders of Russia and China.

During this time, its graduates and students received numerous awards and prizes at various scientific competitions.

Considering the significant benefits of such cooperation, parties have made the decision to expand the number of joint programs that would train in-demand specialists for the two countries.

This year, an agreement has already been signed between the joint Sino-Russian University and the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Under the supervision of the Russian and Chinese specialists, postgraduates and undergraduates began their work on serious research projects. Thus, new scientific schools were formed in the field of engineering.

Nevertheless, the new agreement covers not only the field of technology, but the diplomacy as well – a sphere in which both parties have centuries-old experience of training their own diplomats, who quite successfully protected their countries’ interests in the world arena. Accordingly, they have different diplomatic schools.

How are diplomats supposed to be taught according to the new agreement then? An answer to this question has been given by First Vice Rector of the Sino-Chinese University Sergey Shakhray.

“Of course, the agreement doesn’t provide for the joint training of diplomats. There are different traditions, different circumstances. We won’t be training diplomats in the traditional sense. But the modern MGIMO is not only diplomacy – it is also specialists in international economics.

The world economy is currently pretty unstable, and the attempts to overcome economic struggles in the world arena often follow the principle “every man for himself”. On the modern stage, our two countries have very similar issues – fighting against various forms of economic pressure. It is clear that the struggle for the economic independence will continue.

Therefore, according to the agreement, students and specialists of higher education institutions will work on joint research projects, exchange knowledge in economics, law, international relations and political science. This will allow universities to enrich and improve research practices by using the positive experience of each other and to determine guidelines for the further development at the same time.

An important direction of cooperation, provided for by the signed agreement, is the conduction of academic and cultural exchange of students. Within the framework of mutual visits and internships, students will have an opportunity to get a unique scientific and research experience of the two countries. It will greatly improve their qualification. In addition, the development of joint educational programs and the establishment of research centers and laboratories are planned as well.

Considering the modern state of the international economy, such specialists who would be well acquainted with the experience of the two counties will, without a doubt, be in demand – primarily for the implementation of economic projects not only in Russia and China, but in the Asia-Pacific region as well. This will be diplomats of the new time: specialists of international economics”.