Internet and Museums: The Artefact platform presents an online marathon of museum tours

11 December 2022
Source: Kultura.RF

On December 11, 2022, the Artefact platform hosts an online marathon of tours around Russian museums in Odnoklassniki. Live broadcasts are held in the community Artefact. Guide to the Museums of Russia.

Within the framework of the marathon, the State Historical Museum presents a permanent exposition. Viewers will have an opportunity to learn the history of rare exhibits: the first Russian coin, Ivan the Terrible’s cilice, Onfim’s birch bark manuscript, and other items.

Specialists of the State Museum of Oriental Art present the exhibition From St. Petersburg to Aswan: Dmitry Yefimov’s Trip to Egypt. It tells about the life and work of the graduate of the Imperial Academy of Arts Dmitry Yefimov, whose works capture ancient Egyptian architecture.

The exposition Three Centuries of Russian Painting of the Yaroslavl Art Museum displays Russian art of the XVIII – early XX century. Within the framework of the marathon, the museum shows ceremonial and chamber portraits of the imperial family and representatives of the nobility of the XVIII century, classic canvases and academic landscape paintings, as well as works by impressionists.

The Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve introduces visitors to the collection of modern art of the XX century. The exhibition features works by Kliment Redko, Konstantin Korovin, Vasily Kostyanitsyn, and other artists.

The Belgorod Art Museum continues the marathon of modern art and tells about works of the artists of the XXI century. Viewers will see paintings of Russian artists from various cities – Moscow, Kursk, Lipetsk and Belgorod.