President of Russia: Vladimir Putin held a State Council meeting on implementing youth policy in current conditions
On December 22, 2022, in St. George’s Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a State Council meeting on implementing youth policy in current conditions.
He said in his speech: “The theme we will review today is certainly of strategic importance because the young people who represent our rising generations are starting their lives. In 20, or in some cases, even in 10 years’ time, they will be doing what we are doing today, putting themselves into what is being done – carrying out the national development goals that we have determined.
Their talents and achievements in many diverse areas will directly influence the development of Russia, and their aspirations and ideas, their understanding of the Fatherland and the importance of its millennium-long history, its values and traditions and their devotion to the homeland will, of course, determine its future.
Therefore, our key task is to ensure the deep and substantive continuity of generations. In this sense, the courage, energy and a striving for transformation, which the youth have, will work for Russia, and make a contribution to the strengthening of our home country…
…Participation in volunteer projects has become a normal part of life for many people. Of course, it is necessary to support this noble effort. Thus, we need to create conditions that allow college and university students to combine their studies with practical training at volunteer centres, charity foundations, and socially-oriented NGOs, to gain experience in civil responsibility and solidarity.”
Head of the state added: “Recently the first congress of the Russian Children's Movement was held, attended by representatives of all Russian regions. They also outlined the movement’s values, such as friendship, patriotism, justice, mutual assistance, and chose a worthy name for their organisation: Movement of the First. Of course, I would like to say good luck to them, and I ask the heads of Russian regions and my colleagues present here to provide the new association with comprehensive support…
…Our task is to give young Russians a solid foundation in the form of credible knowledge, and to do this, we must develop and introduce a separate course on the history and foundations of Russian statehood in the education processes.
Educational projects are especially important now. Of course, there are tools for this, such as themed classes in schools, in extracurricular education or in military-patriotic and history clubs.
I would like to note that the flagship education projects, which have been successfully carried out by the revived Znaniye Society for two years now, play a special role today. This organisation has done good work following a new model: new, modern formats of lectures, workshops, and education marathons have become really popular among the youth.”
In addition, Vladimir Putin visited the Youth Centre project area at the Manege Exhibition Hall and took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaign. Head of the state learned about key youth policy projects presented by the Youth Centre. More than 25,000 people aged 14 to 35 participated in them.