Marking the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad: Exhibition “Hot Snow” opens in Uglich

1 February 2023

On February 1, 2023, the exhibition Hot Snow opens in the Uglich Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

On February 2, 1943, the greatest battle of the Great Patriotic War, the Battle of Stalingrad, ended. The earth engulfed in fire, heat, and blood made the Stalingrad snow hot. This incredible image was created by the military writer Yuri Bondarev, who used it as a title for his novel published in 1970. Only the participant of the Battle of Stalingrad, who he was, could give such a bright symbolic name.

The exhibition presents the book by Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov An Unprecedented Feat. General Chuikov commanded the 62nd army defending Stalingrad, an army fighting in the ruins of the city.

General’s shoulder straps, documents, awards, portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union, defenders of Stalingrad – Viktor Grigoryevich Zholudev, and pilot Viktor Maximovich Golubev – all this can be seen at the anniversary exhibition in the Red Hall of the Uglich Kremlin.

The theme of this grandiose battle is covered by memorial items of the Great Patriotic War. This is a collection of weapons, military uniforms, posters, documents, photographs, awards, and letters from the front.

The exhibition features recordings of songs of the wartime, a fragment of the feature film Hot Snow is presented as well, and a master class Let’s Make a Soldier’s Triangle is traditionally held.

The exhibition will run in the exposition hall of the former City Duma (Kremlin, 1) until February 28, 2023.