Education and Society: Launch of the Year of Teachers and Mentors in Russia to take place in Stavropol Territory

30 January 2023
Source: TASS

The launch of the Year of Teachers and Mentors will take place in February at the Mashuk Knowledge Centre (Stavropol Territory). Professional competitions, forums and festivals will be held throughout 2023, – Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of the Education of the Russian Federation, said during a meeting of President of Russia Vladimir Putin with members of the government.

 “We’ve tried to form a rich plan of events for this year, they will begin with the grand launch of the year at the Mashuk Knowledge Centre”, the minister said.

According to him, the plan involves holding professional forums, including the Moscow International Salon of Education in March, a summer mentoring festival, a forum for classroom teachers, etc.

Vladimir Putin had previously decided to hold a Year of Teachers and Mentors in the country in 2023. It is held “in order to recognize the special status of teaching staff, including those engaged in mentoring activities”.