Memory of Russia: Exhibition “The Great Patriotic War in the Works of Artists of Donbass from the Collections of the Donetsk Art Museum” to open in Rostov-on-Don

20 February 2023

On February 21, on Mikhail Sholokhov’s Memorial Day, the exhibition The Great Patriotic War in the Works of Artists of Donbass from the Collections of the Donetsk Art Museum will open in the Sholokhov Centre of the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in Rostov-on-Don.

February 21 was chosen as the opening date of the exhibition from the collections of the Donetsk Republican Art Museum not by chance. This is the Memorial Day of the great Russian Soviet writer Mikhail Sholokhov, a front-line soldier who experienced five fronts of the Great Patriotic War and who wrote the works The Fought for Their Country and Fate of a Man.

The exhibition includes 17 copies of watercolor works and linocuts by artists-veterans, natives of Donbass: V. S. Shendel, R. F. Yefimenko, A. V. Proshin, V. P. Semisenko, who defended their region during the Great Patriotic War and witnessed military events.

Of interest to visitors will be the triptych of Victor Semisenko's linocuts No One Brought Donbass to Its Knees, and No One is Allowed To, made in the tradition of a wartime defense poster.

Today, the thematic collection of works by Donetsk artists about the Great Patriotic War remains one of the most valuable in the collections of the Donetsk Republican Art Museum.

The exhibition of works by artists of Donbass is part of the exhibition and educational project Military Memory of DONBASS, which features a number of scientific and educational events, developed jointly with museums of Russia and timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Donbass from Nazi troops.

The exhibition will run at the Sholokhov Centre until March 19, 2023.