Forum of librarians in National library of Belarussia

25 May 2009
Source: NLB

A forum of librarians “Gumanitarno-educational activity of libraries in a context of universal values and the Belarus statehood” passes from 25 May till 27 May 2009.

Organizers of a forum are the Ministry of culture of Belarussia, the library association of Belarussia, National library of Belarusia.

More than 500 experts of libraries take part in a forum, and also Representatives of Presidential Administration of Belorussia, National meeting of Belorussia, the ministries and departments of republic, National academy of sciences of Belarus, the National centre of the legal information of Belorussia, the National centre of intellectual property, National book chamber.

Within the limits of a forum on 25th May in National library of Belorussia the round table «Organizational-legal and scientifically-methodical regulation of activity of libraries» is spent.

On action will be considered problems of increase of efficiency of activity of libraries of republic by use of innovative decisions and introduction of an information technology, perfection of the legal base regulating activity of libraries, formation of information resources, development of material equipment.