Библиотека Конгресса открывает доступ к рукописям Владимира Набокова

26 June 2009
The manuscripts of the great Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov are now at free access for researches in Congress Library in Washington. After the great success of “Lolita” novel that appeared in 1955 Nabokov decided to move to Europe and in 1959 handed many of his manuscripts over to Congress library. He gave them on the condition that they will not be issued without special permission until June 23, 2009. Finally came the day when the papers would find their researchers. In order to make the task of philologists, translators and linguists easier the experts of Congress library divided the collection into several parts. The biggest of them called “texts” includes the notes of Nabokov, his works translations made by other authors, as well as rough copies of his novels in English and Russian. Among the documents that relate to Nabokov’s translation of “Evgeny Onegin” by Alexander Pushkin there are his reflections on the process of translation – the subject that interested the writer all his life. The researchers of Nabokov’s works will have the possibility to get acquainted with unknown rough copies fragments of such novels as “Lolita”, “The real life of Sebastian Night” and the poem “Pale fire”. There is quite a large number of documents related to the work of Nabokov on screen version of Stanly Cubric sensational movie “Lolita”.