The Cambridge University will open on the Internet first-printed books

19 June 2009
The Cambridge University will open electronic copies of unique ancient books on the Internet.Such books as the Bible printed with Johann Gutenberg in 1455, and the first edition of poems of the Homere (1488) will be available online. Now in an on-line library catalogue of Cambridge very few electronic copies of the books published till 1501. In total now University’s archives has 4650 books published more 500 years ago (so-called first-printed books). According to The Daily Telegraph, work in Cambridge on scanning and digitizing of books is possible because of for the grant in 300 thousand the pounds sterling, received from welfare fund of a name of Andrew Mellon (the known American politician and the diplomat of the USA in Great Britain till 1932). Anna Dzharvis (Anne Jarvis), the librarian of the Cambridge library, has declared: "We are glad to the opportunity to create electronic archive of the rarest books that Internet users from around the world could read them". It is supposed that field project life is about five years.