Memory of Russia: Nikolo-Radovitsky monastery will be restored

29 August 2009

Nikolo-Radovitsky monastery, founded in the second half of XVI century and famous of wonder-working carved icon of Nikolay Wonder-worker, was opened again in the Moscow region in 2007. For the space of 5 centuries the Nikolo-Radovitsky monastery has been a place of pilgrimage. People were coming there in the hope of healing. After a half of century of solitude and desolation the ruins only have been remained. The household buildings, monastery’s buildings – became overgrown with grass. Only partly left whole walls and arches remind the grandeur of the central cathedral of the Blessed Virgin of the XVII century. Nikolo-Radovitsky monastery was recognized a memorial of federal significance. The restorers began the restoration by the belfry of the Peter and Paul temple. Now it’s a turn of the cathedral of the Blessed Virgin, where the ancient technologies will be used. In one year the cathedral will get its external appearance. 11 of August 2010 during the patronal festival in memory of Saint Nikolay Radovitsky it will be consecrated. And again in three years it’s planning to restore all the cloister, and the world will see this made by hands wonder.