Peasant everyday life in XVIII-XX centuries

20 August 2009
The exhibition of peasant everyday life objects of XVIII-XX centuries opened today in Morshanskiy history and arts museum in Tambov region. Among 800 of displays there are painted distaffs, bronze and golden decorations of Mordvinian women, samovars, hand embroidery, spice cake plates. The museum was opened in 1918. Among the collection of its displays the most interesting are those collected by the founder of the museum, archeologist, student of local history, painter Peter Ivanov. During the years of 1927 – 1937 he examined 869 Scythian burials and discovered in Tambov region a hundred of Neolithic sites, ancient settlements of the Iron Age and Mordvinian hamlets where were found decorations, dishes, arms and harness pieces that belonged to ancient people of Central Chernozemie.