Russian Libraries: Autumn “Library’s image (Bibliobraz) 2009”

24 September 2009

The Festival “Library’s image” is opened on 24 September in Kaliningrad. It is held once in two years in order to support and develop the school libraries, and also to attract the society’s attention to the urgent problems of reading among young people and the potential of Internet to solve them. This year the Festival involves new prospects. Its mission is to demonstrate the new ways of school libraries’ work, which unite the teachers and parents in the interest of children. Moreover, like before, “Library’s image” focuses the public attention on the problems of libraries.

The festival’s program is aimed at the public at large: young readers, school librarians, teachers, parents, book publishers, writers etc. Following the tradition the Festival holds the campaign “A new life to book”, when everyone can send the book from his home library to one of the children’s home. The previous years this campaign has presented 21 225 books to the libraries of children’s homes and  boarding schools.