IT and society: New domain registration rules in RU domain enter into force in October 2009

23 September 2009

The new document “RU-2. Domain’s name registration rules in the RU domain” introduced by the Coordination Center for TLD RU enter into force on 1 October 2009.

Firstly, the changes are brought into the procedure of submitting copies of the domain owner’s identity documents. From now on natural persons should submit the passport or another identity document , whereas the legal entities -  the legal entity’s state registration certificate and the certificate of record in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation) or another document, which prove the state registration.

To the domain’s administrators (owners), who registered domains before the introduction of new rules of documents’ submission, the following services are not provided:  

- change of information necessary for Administrator’s identification;

- transfer of domain support to another registrant;

- transfer of domain’s administration rights to another administrator;

- cancellation of domain registration;

- domains’ registration.

Secondly, the changes take place in the terms of Administrator’s (domain owner’s) response to Registrar’s  inquiry, which involve checking of the submitted by the Administrator or stored on the Registry information. The Administrator should comply with the Registrar’s inquiry within the following time frame:

within 10 days from receiving the inquiry – in case when the Administrator submitted the documents, which confirm the information necessary for the Administrator’s registration.

within 3 days from receiving the inquiry – in case when the Administrator hasn’t submitted the documents, which prove the information necessary for Administrator’s identification.

The Registrar submits the inquiry via the e-mail on the Administrator’s e-mail address, stored in the Register.   If the inquiry is not responded in time, the domain’s delegation will be stopped. In case the Administrator doesn’t submit a response within two months the Registrar has the right to cancel the domain’s registration.

Another change takes place in the information provided in response to inquiry whois. From 1 October 2009 the domain’s name will contain the information about submitted documents, which prove the data, necessary for Administrator’s domain registration.