President of Russia: States have to serve people

15 September 2009

The conference ‘Modern state and global security’ took place in Yaroslavl. More than 500 politicians, economists and scientists from 18 countries took part in it.

 Many of global problems, pointed out D. Medvedev, rise when states do not attend to their duties. To avoid this situation states should know more about each other and take easy appraisal and criticism from an outsider’s viewpoint. ‘Criterions, standards and rules of such monitoring can not be imposed, - thinks Russian leader. – To make them effective they should be developed during a free discussion by common efforts’.

‘For me the modern state is first of all a democracy, - accentuated the President. – The most important issue is: what should be the standards of the modern democracy in order to provide a global stability? Institutes of modern democracy should be organized so that the goals of global development are achieved without any violence. At the basis of these methods of regulations should underlie tolerance’.

‘All the states are different, but all of them were created by people and their supreme goal is to serve people providing the right of the citizens to have a worthy life, - accentuated D. Medvedev.