On September 14 – 19 the universal scientific library of Pskov region will hold an international conference ‘Culture of border area: place and role of libraries’.

14 September 2009

On September 14 – 19 the universal scientific library of Pskov region will hold an international conference ‘Culture of border area: place and role of libraries’. The events will take place in Pskov, Pechora and Pushkinsky Gory. According to the press service of the regional authorities the conference opening will take place on September 14 in Pskov.

The year of 2009 is declared the Year of youth. Besides this is the anniversary year of classics of Russian literature N. Gogol and A. Pushkin. Thus the topic of the conference and of its two sessions will be related to organization of services for multiethnic population of border areas, to moral and spiritual traditions of youth’s reading, to the role of a book and a library in personal formation.

In the framework of the conference ‘Russian West’ Book forum will take place in Pechory on September 15. The leading publishing houses of Moscow and St.-Petersburg will participate in it. The round table with participation of Saint-Assumption Pskovo-Pechorsky monastery representatives will be held.

On September 16-19 the conference will continue with the festival on promotion of books and reading named ‘The autumn in Mikhailovskoye’. This is for the 6th time that the festival will be held in Pushkinsky Gory village (Pskov region). During the festival there will be the conference ‘The youth is reading classical literature’ and the presentation of library programs on reading promotion ‘National spiritual values. Classical literature.’