International events: Use of innovative technologies to be discussed in Prague

16 October 2009

Theoretical and practical seminar “Creation of single scientific and educational area: role and place of innovative technologies” will take place on October, 19 in the Russian Center for science and culture in Prague. It is organized by the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) together with the representative office of the Federal Agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) in the Czech Republic.

“Seminar plays a significant role for attracting interest for the Russian education and Russian language”, - remark the representatives of the Russian Center for science and culture in Prague.

The first session will be opened by the address of the RSUH rector, Member –Correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Efim Pivovarov. The session will be presided by the first rector of RSUH, Doctor of Economics, Candidate of History, Professor Valery Minajev. Among the speakers - the heads of regional units and departments of the regional development management of the RSUH, and the Head of the Center of Regional information systems.

The representatives of the Russian Center for science and culture in Prague mention that there’s already the experience of cooperation with the RSUH. “Our cooperation with the RSUH has got strong relations. In 2008 the cultural Forum of RSUH was organized in Prague with the support of the Russian Embassy in the  Czech Republic and the Russian Center for science and culture in Prague. It favoured the large-scale representation of the Russian Universities in the Czech Republic with their full intellectual and cultural potential. We are glad to support and continue this tradition”, - inform the representatives of the Russian Center for science and culture in Prague.