International events: History of Russo-French relations

8 October 2009

The International colloquium, dedicated to Russo-French relations took place in Paris. The lecture of the French historian Marie Pierre Rey about the Russian Emperor Alexander I has attracted great attention of participants. The researcher remarked that the victor of the war against Napoleon in the post-war time made his best to save the greatness and power of France, which he considered vital for Europe’s welfare. 

The Professor Rey stressed the fact, that after Russian and other allied troops invaded Paris in spring 1814 the Russian Emperor “tried to soften the conditions for the defeated France”. The country saved pre-Napoleon wars borders and was released from paying the contribution.  

Marie Pierre Rey announced the evidence of the Minister of foreign affairs of France Comte Louis Molé, who  confessed in his memoirs, that “Russia protected not only the interests of France but the very existence of the country”.  The diplomat stated, that Britain, Prussia and Austria on the contrary were thinking of how to weaken France.

The historical colloquium took place in the Museum of Army, located in the Paris House of Invalids and  attracted outstanding researchers, diplomats and military figures. The permanent secretary of the Académie Française Hélène Carrère d'Encausse addressed the participants.

“The upcoming Year of Russia and France, which will be celebrated in a few months has attracted interest to different aspects of history of mutual relations ”, - stated  Alexander Tchubarian , the Head of the Institute of World History (Russian Academy of Sciences). “The relations between our countries have always had a significant importance in Europe, they affected the very balance of the European climate” – he remarked. At this colloquium they are considered from all aspects: political, diplomatic, military, economic and cultural”.

The scientist mentioned that this discussion had big resonance and was supported by many state, scientific and public organizations, also the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Alexander Orlov and the Ambassador of France Jean de Gliniasty.