Society and law: Strategy of civil society’s development to be discussed in Vologda

30 November 2009
Source: SeverInfo

The regional theoretical and practical conference “The youth and law. The role of the youth in building the contemporary civil society” will take place on December, 1 in Vologda. The Head of the State Law department Irene Gruzdeeva informed the correspondent of the information group “Severinfo”, that the conference was dedicated to the professional holiday – the Day of the lawyer, which is celebrated on December, 3. The mission of the conference is to focus the youth’s attention on the necessity to respect the law, to increase the legal competence, to popularize the knowledge of the law and to form the active civil position.

The conference will bring together the faculties and students of the regional Universities, representatives of the authority and municipal bodies, Vologda regional department of the Association of lawyers of Russia.