The 65th Great Victory Anniversary: “Strings of memory” contest opened

29 November 2009

The contest of students’ works “Strings of memory”, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was opened in the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio broadcasting n.a. M. A. Litovchin (GITR).

The Director of the Institute’s development department, Kseniya Gamaleya, reported that the contest will attract not just the students but also the pupils of the lyceum № 1548, which has been the partner of GITR for more than 10 years.

The participants of the contest will create TV- and video clips, interviews, prepare the essays and photo albums, where they will try to portray not the war but the people, who had experienced and overcome its severe hardships. Kseniya Gamaleya remarked, “our mission is before it is not too late to immortalize those people, who gave us a chance to live today, to remember everyone.” 

The participants of the contest will have a chance to represent their best works at the International action “Russian world – memory of the heart”.