History of Russia: Moscow will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the first War Christmas tree

25 November 2009

Moscow will hold celebrations dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the first War Christmas tree, which was held on December, 29 1944. The representatives of the Moscow Western Administrative Okrug prefecture reported, that the first performance of the “Christmas tree of Victory” historical project will take place on the same day as 65 years ago in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill.

Children will have a chance to see how their grandparents celebrated New-Year in the days of War. "The main distinctive feature of the new project compared to the previous occasions for children is not just the atmosphere of bygone years, but the desire to show the way this holiday was celebrated in the war period", - remarked the agency’s representative.

Moreover, the Museum will house the exhibition of Christmas tree decorations of the pre-war, war, and after-war periods. It will display the toys from the museum’s storehouses, the postcards of that time. "These toys represent the clear picture of the whole history of our country. If for instance, the airplane was constructed, the Christmas tree toy in the shape of the airplane was soon to appear. The old pre-war little ball was made from the simple light bulb at the electric bulb factory", - told the representatives of prefecture and stressed that in 1944 new toys had been produced, among them was the dog-orderly. The exhibition represents not only the glass Christmas tree decorations but also the toys from recycled wire and tin, which were used in the after-war years. The performances of Young Theatre artists taking place up to December, 29 will provide a mass of positive emotions.