Libraries of Russia: The 115-year anniversary of the oldest library in Novosibirsk
The L. N. Tolstoy Library, the oldest in Novosibirsk was opened in 1894. Originally the library bore the name of its founder – the railway engineer G. M. Budagov and was called Budagovskaya, later it became Zakamenskaya. In 1910 after the death of Leo Tolstoy it was named after this great Russian writer. On November, 18 the L. N. Tolstoy library celebrates its 115-year anniversary.
In its early years the library’s fund totaled just 127 books. Today the Central L. N. Tolstoy library serves over 8 000 readers a year. The library’s fund contains more than 50 000 storage units.
The library takes an active part in implementation of the plan, which involves the creation of the municipal information library network in the city of Novosibirsk: it provides the electronic catalogue and media index services, has the Center of the public access to the information resources.
In 2009 the L. N. Tolsoy Library was awarded with the gold medal “For the contribution to the heritage of peoples of Russia”.