The history of Russia: The Kremlin’s Museums prepare the new exhibition, dedicated to the 300-year anniversary of the Battle of Poltava
Many national museums of Russia have organized the historical-documentary exhibitions in commemoration of the Battle of Poltava. However, the Kremlin’s Museums plan to organize a unique exposition dedicated to this historical event. The organizers have turned to the funds of the famous museums – The State Hermitage Museum, the Kremlin Armory, the National Museum in Stockholm and the “Green Vault” in Dresden. The peripetias of the Great Northern War between Russia and Sweden which resulted into the victory in the Battle of Poltava will be represented by a large number of documents and artifacts, among them almost all the trophies of that battle which are safe up to the present day. The Triumphal column, which illustrates the battles’ episodes of the Peter I armies will be delivered from St. – Petersburg. The portrait gallery dedicated to the commanders of that time will impart “the personal image” to the exhibition.