Russian language: The Day of Russian language in Sakha Republic

12 November 2009

On November, 19 the Day of Russian language celebrated in the Sakha Republic the Grants of the president of republic will be given to the best teachers of the Russian language, informs Yakutian-Sakha Informational Agency. In the framework of the holiday which has been celebrated in Yakutia since 2001, all educational institutions of republic hold competitions on the Russian language, class hours, literary soirees, exhibitions, competitions on the best wall newspaper and other contests.

The main expert of the general education department of Ministry of Education RS(Y) Anna Atlasova reports that this year in Kobiaisky ulus will take place the competition on expressive reading “Peace in soul – light in poems”. The dramatized performance and the regional association of Russian and literature teachers session will take place in Neryungri. Ust-Aldansky ulus holds the 3rd Championship on the Russian language, which will also attract family teams. The contest on the best translation of the Yakutian classic writers’ works into Russian will be held in Churapchinsky ulus. The intellectual casino will take place in Zhigansky ulus and the Kolymsky national secondary school of Nizhnekolymsky area will initiate Lomonosov’s readings.

The Day of Russian language in Yakutia is celebrated on November, 19, the birthday of the great Russian scientist, the author of the first textbook on Russian language “the Russian grammar” Mikhail Lomonosov.