International events: Third International Conference on World-Class Universities

2 November 2009

The 3rd International Conference on World-Class Universities (WCU-3) will be held from 2 to 4 November 2009 in Shanghai, China. The conference will bring together researches, university leaders, policy makers and other stake-holders from various regions to discuss major developments related directly and indirectly to world-class universities.   

The 1st International Conference on World-Class Universities (WCU-1) was initiated and organized in June 2005 by the Center for World-Class Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Some 30 university presidents, policy experts and researchers were invited to present their views on international, national and institutional developments in education. The 2nd International Conference on the World-Class Universities (WCU-2) was convened in November 2007. About 100 participants from more than 30 countries, including representatives of international organizations, presidents of world-known universities and scholars on international higher education, had attended this meeting.