Regions of Russia: Kemerovo holds “A new book to the library!” action
“A new book to the library” action has been launched in Kemerovo. It will help to collect books and direct them to the funds of both city and rural libraries of the region. “These books should meet the following requirement – they should be new, that means published in 2008-2009”, – explained Natalia Rodionova, the Head of the Department of Culture and National Policy of Kemerovo region.
Ms Rodionova stated that the similar functions were held in the region before, however just in certain libraries. “Readers had brought a lot of books, however very often that literature appeared either to have been already represented in the library or outdated - 50-60’s, – informed Natalia Rodionova. – Today the whole library system of the region has been engaged.
“It is essential to popularize reading among our population, that’s why the libraries’ fund of the region is being updated”, – explained Natalia Rodionova when dwelling on the urgency of this function.
Participants of this action are welcome to bring books in any regional library before January, 25 2010.