IT and society: High education develops Internet habit
Users who surf the Internet more than others appeared to be the most intelligent. 90 percent of people with the highest IQ visit Internet on a regular basis. This information has been provided by the new research of Eurostat.
According to the latest research of the European Statistical Agency Eurostat, 90 percent of EU citizens with University education regularly surf the Internet. It is about 2 times more compared to the number of EU citizens without University degree.
Analytics remark that these figures are relevant to all the age groups on average scale, although people aged from 16 to 24, who as a rule have least of all degrees are identified as the most active on the Internet compared to elder generation.
The researchers note that this can be partly explained by the fact that IT education in educational establishments often plays a considerable role in inspiring the person to go on with computer and Internet studies. Moreover many people with a low level of education or even without it sometimes can’t afford a computer or Internet access.
In 27 countries of EU 65 percent of population have Internet access. This number has increased 5 percent compared to the figures of the last year. At the average this figure annually increases on 5–6 percent. 56 percent of all the citizens of EU are connected to the broadband communications — this is 7 percent more than the last year.